
Waiting for scan results has me creatively blocked. In fact I don’t seem to be able to settle to much of anything at the moment – even tasks that have a hard and important deadline – like submitting accounts to Companies House! I want to be in the studio but there’s no sense of focus …

Why art? Why now?

The world really doesn’t need another mediocre painting, right? Shouldn’t I just get a ‘proper’ job and not be such a financial burden on my partner? I have been asked these rather blunt, and less than kind questions, on more than one occasion. I have also asked them of myself. So why art, and why …

The best of intentions

An intention can offer a place to begin and can help guide decisions along the way, but there usually comes a time when a painting starts to take on a life of its own, when it seems to be asking for moves that are counter to the original intention. At that point it is important …

TO PLAN OR NOT TO PLAN… harnessing the creative impulse

“Be more considered.” “Oh, just let rip!” The two competing impulses that can result in creative dithering, if not complete paralysis. Artists are often advised to create work that is recognizably theirs. Galleries love consistency – it makes the job of selling your work easier, apparently. Collectors also prefer it if you keep your work …